Thursday, August 29, 2024

282. Beinn na Lap (241). 26/08/2024

Having gathered 24 others (including most of the people I had climbed with) at Corrour YH, we were blessed with a perfect day for hillwalking. The day before and the day after were dreadful, but this BH Monday was clear and dry.

The walk itself was a fairly straightforward steady climb, boggy at first. Everyone was able to meet at the top fairly easily, where a few nips of whisky were enjoyed (out of a quaich, no less!).

The party included a 6 year old, an 80 year old and a 8-month old in a backpack. Full list here: Ben (88 accompaniments), Hilde (41), Chris J (30), Chris C (23), Jon (16), Mike (12), Mum (12), Oliver (10), Henrik (10), Harald (9), Ian (9), Chris T (7), Nina (7), Hamish (5), Fiona (5), Richard (5), Dad (4), Elodie (2), Victoria (1), Emma (1), Becca (1), Lukas (1), Zoya (1), Isla (0). Thanks to everyone for making the effort!

Beinn na Lap is the 3rd most popular final munro due to its accessibility and setting. The YH and Station House made the catering simpler. My first munro was almost exactly 22 years earlier, but having reclimbed Ben Nevis a couple of times, I can say I've done the round in 19 years, 9 months and 5 days, which can't be too bad for someone living in southern England. There were 137 days of walking and it has taken me to almost all corners of Scotland - it's also worth noting that I've climbed the original 284 hills that were on the list when I started.

I'm sure there are plenty I will climb again and I may go on to some Furths, P600s or even Corbetts and Grahams. At this stage, if I had to pick some favourites, Bla Bheinn and Sgurr Mhic Choinnich and Beinn Dorain stick in the memory, as well as days on the Grey Corries, Mamores and Aonach Eagach.

Other notable moments include: A brochan spectre and cloud inversion on Lochnagar, a 4-day single-pub crawl to Inveree, climbing Ben Hope after cycling the length of the UK, forgetting our car keys in the tent after a traverse of most of the Cuillins, 3 inches of snow on our tent in the Fannaichs, a sleeper-replacement bus (in February) where I had to guide the driver to Tyndrum, climbing 6 munros in 8h in Glen Shee, my Stag Do on the wrong Ben Vorlich (and the favour being returned on the correct one), rescuing a lamb (called Lambi) on Ben Lawers, a traverse of the Cairngorms involving a very long walk out with wet boots to Blair Atholl to make our train, paternity leave with an 8-month old Elodie in Assynt, climbing the Mamores in a single outing and nearly losing a boot in the river at the start, Hamish and Elodie's first munros, climbing Ben Cruachan a week before watching Andor (in which it features) and the approach by boat to the South Mullardoch ridge.

The Ben and Fi setting out

Group shot at the summit

Some young clamberers

Another summit shot from my perspective

A compleator


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